_11+ Admissions Guide (2024) (1)

TAKING CARE OF YOUR CHILD DURING THE 11+ PROCESS We recognise that the 11+ process can be a stressful time for families. We asked two of our current Senior 7s how they found the experience:

“I was really scared but when I came everyone was really friendly and there were no big surprises on the test...”.

Ethan, current Senior 7

“The teachers were really nice and explained a lot. I remember meeting Mr Said and he was really friendly”.

Ayla, current Senior 7

Tips for keeping calm

Eat the right food Opt for protein-packed snacks like yogurt, dried fruit, and eggs, which are known to help memory retention and boost energy levels. Avoid last-minute revision Attempting to absorb more than your brain can handle will hinder information retention. Try to maintain a manageable learning pace, working in chunks of no more than 30-60 minutes at a time.

Get out of the house and stay active Have fun outdoors with friends. Sport is a fantastic way to de-stress

Get plenty of rest Studying and pre-exam

nerves can make it difficult to get to sleep. Dedicate an hour or so before bedtime to relaxation and making sure you switch off for the evening.


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