_11+ Admissions Guide (2024)


English and Mathematics Examinations

Based on the applicant’s performance in the online CAT and the Learning Workshop and taking into account any contextual information provided by their parents, or confidential reference from their current school, we will shortlist applicants to return to Ibstock to sit written papers in English and Mathematics on Thursday 12 or Friday 13 December 2024 .

We write our own Mathematics and English papers and each paper will last one hour. Those candidates who qualify for extra time will be given one hour and fifteen minutes to complete each test. As with the CAT, the papers will cover the taught National Curriculum up to the end of Year 5 but with opportunities to appropriately stretch and challenge through the style and depth of the questions asked.

We expect that about two thirds of applicants proceed to Stage Two.

The Mathematics paper will cover:


Shape and Space:

Fractions Decimals Sequences of numbers Positive and negative numbers Place value Whole number properties - factors, multiples, primes, squares, cubes

Properties of 2D shapes Simple reflection of 2D shapes Converting between units of metric measurement Calculate perimeter and area of shapes Solve problems with measure – length, area,

volume, mass, money, time Angle Facts and Reasoning

Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Simple percentages Time

Data Handling:

Use of averages Probability

Use and interpret information from charts Use and interpret information in tables


Simple substitution


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