Ibstock Prospectus - Digital 2024

Every child who joins us will have a unique journey. We celebrate this and strive to help every pupil to thrive and find happiness here. Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Our holistic approach to the academic, social, emotional and physical wellbeing of pupils is threaded throughout school life. Pastoral care is tailored to the developmental stages of our pupils as they progress from childhood through adolescence to young adulthood. Supporting them is our integrated network of class teachers, subject teachers, Heads of Houses, professional on-site counsellors, school nurse and senior pastoral team.

The strong positive pastoral provision... is excellent across the school. SCHOOL INSPECTOR, 2022

Positive wellbeing is promoted through a proactive programme of lessons, workshops and talks, tailored to each stage of our pupils’ development. This includes our Role Models programme in the Prep School and our immersive Lyfta resilience and empathy programme for Year 11. We understand that modern parenting can be full of challenges and offer access to an online parenting hub and series of talks for parents throughout the year, which dovetails with our Foundations (PSHE) Programme for pupils. Ibstock’s award-winning in-house catering team prides itself on sourcing the very best fresh seasonal ingredients for school meals. On the doorstep of Richmond Park, the School’s blossoming kitchen garden cultivates a range of herbs and vegetables used in the kitchen and cookery classes. Our beehives produce their own unique honey blend, used in the school kitchen for salad dressings, roasted root vegetables and muffins. Through our Senior School curriculum cookery classes we aim to equip pupils with practical skills to prepare healthy meals.

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