Inside Ibstock Issue 5 Spring

Inside Ibstock Headmaster’s Welcome

Inside Ibstock What’s New

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Welcome to 'Inside Ibstock'

Oxbridge Offers We are extremely proud of Sixth Formers Yeva, Elena and Olivia who were offered conditional places at Oxbridge. Head Girl Yeva received a conditional place at Jesus College, Oxford to read French and Italian, while Elena and Olivia both received conditional offers from the University College, and Human, Social, and Political Science (HSPS) at Christ's College, respectively. On receiving the wonderful news, all three expressed gratitude to the teachers who inspired their love of learning. Congratulations! of Cambridge to read Geography at Churchill

Indeed, as this latest issue attests, they have happened across the full panoply of our provision. Ibstock has never sought to specialise, nor to channel our pupils’ talents into one particular sphere. We are proudly generalist, because in “generalism”, our pupils discover real freedom. Our version of education - one which has now endured since 1894 - is an holistic one. It allows our young people to play to their unique strengths, wheresoever they might lie. So it is that in this issue, you will read of abundant sporting success, but so too high achievement in oracy, in STEM, in the expressive arts and a good deal more. In several areas, we have led the nation’s schools. In the year when we celebrate our 130th birthday, we could scarcely hope for a better present and we thank our pupils for all that they do. Their success drives the School forward and, based on this term’s endeavour, we have much to which we can look forward. Chris Wolsey, Headmaster Every so often, a term passes which is truly exceptional in its character. So has proven the Spring Term of 2024. In both scale and scope, our pupils’ achievements have been prodigious and we salute them.

Linguistically Speaking Our Modern Foreign Language pupils issued the first edition of their magazine, Linguistically Speaking. An entirely pupil-run initiative, the magazine was put together by pupils in their own time, from editorial meetings to discuss content to writing articles, proofing, and designing artwork and layout. For their first publication, they chose a theme which captures the importance of learning about culture and society: change. Click here to read the first edition of Linguistically Speaking.

Physics Safe Cracking Competition Congratulations to Sixth Form pupils Matthew, Finley, Lilian, Oliver and Catherine for producing the winning safe for the 2024 Physics Safe Cracking Competition. Under normal circumstances this would mean aweek’s all-expenses-paid trip to theWeizmann Institute of Science in Israel to represent the UK in the Global Safe Cracking Competition. Unfortunately, due to the situation in the Middle East, the next phase will now take place online. Ibstock was up against some very stiff competition and it was wonderful to hear the adjudicator announce: “And the winner is….. AWheely Quacking Safe”.

Ibstock Place School celebrates its 130th anniversary this year, having first opened its doors in 1894. Founded on the educational principles of Fredrich Froebel, which were considered radical for his day, emphasis on the learning experiences of young children and engendering free thinking are still central to our School ethos today. Save the date for the Ibstock 130 Festival on Saturday 22 June!

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