Middle School Curriculum 2024-2026
The Ibstock Journey Continues
For the first three years of their Senior School careers, pupils have experienced a broad curriculumwhich has given opportunities to try new subjects and to acquire new skills. The GCSE Options process allows them to make choices about some of the subjects that they will continue to study into Senior 10 and 11. This presents an exciting opportunity to tailor the curriculum around individual aspirations, whilst maintaining a strong foundation of core subjects in line with our educational goals. Whatever choices pupils make, the Ibstock Middle School Curriculum will present a challenging range of academic subjects and co-curricular activities which has been created in order that pupils may pursue a broad, liberal education.
In choosing optional subjects, it is important to consider maintaining a balance of disciplines as well as reflecting A-Level intentions. The study of some A-Level courses is contingent upon having studied the GCSE in that subject, but this is not always the case. University may seem a far-distant prospect, and pupils may pursue other routes at 16 or 18, but it is worth bearing in mind ideas about the future when considering the choices available now. The Middle School Curriculum is complemented with non-examined courses. These address those aspects of our pupils’ education that are important for personal, social and physical development, as well as enhancing their prospects of success at A-Level and in Higher Education. Through our co-curricular programmes, many lunchtime and after-school clubs are provided, underscoring our belief that active pupils are the most effective learners.
Zoe Jarvis Deputy Head (Academic)
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