

Juliet (Madeleine Hunter)

Tybalt (Rosie Wright) and Company

Lady Capulet (Scarlett McKittrick) and Prince Escalus (Louis Cleave)

Nurse (Polly Dunn) and Juliet (Madeleine Hunter)

ROMEO AND JULIET Congratulations to Miss Batt, Miss Hall and the entire cast and crew on a magnificent, and in many ways miraculous, Upper Senior production of Romeo and Juliet performed in the Theatre at the end of the Autumn Term. Rehearsals and staging had to take account of social distancing and the company and technical team led by Mr Ward rose superbly to the challenges of this. The play was live streamed to allow all who wished to see it to do so. No one involved will ever forget the experience. Bravo!

Montague (Harrison Mole) and Benvolio (Oscar Todman)

Mercutio (Tabitha Gilbertson)

Friar Lawrence (Natalie Lees) and Romeo (Edward Walsh-Taylor)

Juliet (Madeleine Hunter) and Capulet (Henry Knox)

STAGE COMBAT WORKSHOP The cast of the Upper Senior Production’s Romeo and Juliet participated in a trio of stage combat workshops run by professional stage combat company, RC Annie. With the challenges of performing the fight scenes in contemporary London whilst adhering to social distancing policies, we were extremely grateful for their support in finding suitable solutions to Mercutio and Tybalt’s death scenes and the initial skirmish that begins the play. With careful rehearsal, the cast was excited to perform these routines in the show and their efforts certainly impressed their enthusiastic and appreciative audience. Miss Danielle Batt, Teacher of Drama

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