

#IPSPARTNERSHIPS Ibstock Place School has been able to continue its partnerships work, despite the Covid-related restrictions. LVI Community Outreach projects restarted after the Easter holidays, and pupils resumed their various weekly activities, including community gardening, litter picking, helping at The Scrubbery, social support of Linden Lodge School pupils and English language support of Richmond Park Academy pupils. All these activities provided tangible benefits to both our pupils and our partners. As part of Roehampton Community Week, Head of Art Mrs Elmore and a group of S8 pupils made their own piece for display at the top of Danebury Avenue for a community art project. All Senior 7 pupils did an hour of litter-picking, as part of their Team Building Day, but this also helped with the Roehampton Spring Clean, which was one of the themes of Community Week. Despite the torrential rain, the pupils showed fantastic enthusiasm and energy. We also supported several charities with donation drives as well as monetary contributions. We collected: second-hand bedding to be made into scrubs and other PPE by The Scrubbery, second-hand children’s toys and clothes for charity Little Village, and food items for the community food boxes organised by local charities Rackets Cubed and Regenerate. After the Charity Stalls afternoon in the Summer Term, we were very pleased to donate £2,345.81 to help fill the food boxes over the summer holidays. We are excited to build on all of these links for the years ahead and to make even more relationships with the community. Miss Charlotte Rhead, Director of Outreach and Partnerships

Senior 7 litter pick for Roehampton Community Week

Sixth Form volunteers in Community Week

#IPSPARTNERSHIPS Preparations at the Alton It was a beautifully warm afternoon for a willing band of LVI volunteers to tackle the digging out and weeding of a plot at the Alton Activity Centre. In fact, although this was a follow up visit from that made in the dead of winter when they last cleared the plot, the intervening months had allowed the weeds to take hold again so remedial action was required. However, under Mr O’Sullivan’s direction, it was not long before order was restored and the bed was cleared again for planting out a selection of geraniums and other plants grown in the School’s greenhouse. Well done to the gardeners and thank you for all you are doing to help out in another important #IPSPartnerships project.

#IPSPARTNERSHIPS Plogolution rides again We were pleased to welcome Mr Dermot Kavanagh into School from the charity Plogolution. He joined an impressive group of LVIs embarking on an afternoon of keeping the neighbourhood clean and green as part of the #IPSPartnerships programme. We applaud their efforts and thank them for their work.

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