Sixth Form Handbook 2022-24
Course content and structure Biology is a diverse, dynamic and rigorous subject, requiring a variety of different skills which enable us to understand the natural world. The study of Biology facilitates appreciation of current issues such as gene technology, stem cell technology and cancer research. Biology is also at the forefront of the most challenging intellectual problems such as managing the environment and control of human populations, understanding the most elemental building blocks of life and the workings of key organs in the human body. The Biology course provides breadth and depth of coverage for its range of topics, which include learning about human body systems, microbes, plants and the environment. Pupils considering taking Biology should have a good (I)GCSE functional level of Chemistry and Mathematics, the ability to write clearly and concisely and a retentive memory. Principal topics are as follows: Paper 1: Advanced Biochemistry, Microbiology and Genetics Paper 2: Advanced Physiology, Evolution and Ecology Paper 3: General and Practical Principles
Assessment overview GCE Biology is a two-year linear course with topics covered and cross-connections made throughout the LVI and UVI years. There are three written papers consisting of a variety of objective questions, structured questions and short-answer questions. Pupils will be assessed on ‘How Science Works’ and on questions related to the practical work completed in class. Each of the written examinations is between 1¾ hours and 2½ hours long. All of the papers will be sat in June of the UVI year. Practical and data handling skills will also be assessed by your teacher and this will be reported in a separate practical skills grade. There is no coursework in A-Level Biology. Other notes It is desirable, but not essential, to study Chemistry or Mathematics in conjunction with this subject.
University and careers links The study of Biology opens the door to a large number of career options. As it is a diverse subject, study could lead to working in fields such as medicine, biomedical engineering, scientific research, food technology, environmental science, forensic science, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, veterinary science, marine biology and conservation.
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