Stocks Review Final



Joshua Howey 2007–2014

Joshua Howey attended IPS from 2007 to 2014, and was one of the last groups of ‘Stocks’ whose classes were part of the notorious ‘long corridor’ before it was demolished to make way for ‘New School’ (opened in 2011). His fondest memories of attending IPS were the numerous school trips he enjoyed, including those to China, India, France and Belgium. His trip to China was especially formative, as it informed his decision to pursue Sinology (Chinese language, history and politics). Indeed, when Joshua completed his A-Levels at IPS (in 2014) he took up a place at Durham University where he read Chinese and History. His studies at Durham included a year abroad in Hangzhou, home to China’s tech giants – ‘in many ways’, he noted, ‘this city is a symbol of the country’s modernity.’ With a diverse set of skills and interests, Joshua graduated Durham University in 2018 and accepted a role in the Civil Service through its flagship graduate programme. On this programme, he worked in a rotation across three central government departments in policy work. Earlier this year he completed the programme and moved into a permanent position in the Cabinet Office, working on trade policy. His proudest achievements since leaving IPS include his university history dissertation, which achieved a high enough mark to warrant publication. While there are some work-related achievements which are difficult to commit to paper, Joshua remarked that on one occasion he convinced a government minister to do something which they were initially resistant to doing. ‘It was hardly a “Sir Humprey” moment of tactfulness’, he reported, ‘but it was a really satisfying career highlight to make a tangible and positive difference in government policy.’ His time at IPS prepared him for life beyond in a couple of ways. Firstly, as already noted, Joshua’s trip to mainland China in summer 2010 was a salient factor in determining his future interests. His experience in China was also supremely helpful in preparing him for his year abroad in China; he knew what to expect and anticipated needed adjustments based on this previous experience. Secondly, Joshua supremely grateful for his history and politics classes at IPS, which nurtured in him an ability to convey clear and persuasive arguments in his writing. He has further honed these skills at university and in his policy-advising role now. Joshua gave a special note of praise to his politics classes taught by the current headmaster – Chris Wolsey- through which he benefited from ‘essential vocational knowledge’ for his work. Photos: top group photo with Headmistress at Prize Giving 2014 – Joshua is far left; middle: with two IPS friends in China 2010 – Joshua in the middle; photo of Joshua cycling in Zurich, 2021

In 2017 she was delighted to begin her undergraduate studies reading Biochemistry at the University of Exeter. During the summer after her second year at Exeter, Imogen completed a summer internship at the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline where she worked in the finance department. Although the COVID pandemic affected her final year of university, her ambitions to continue to grow prevailed. Upon graduating Exeter in 2020, Imogen applied for a job at IPS as the receptionist. She continued as the receptionist for ten months, during which she contributed to many important initiatives, especially the erection of a COVID testing centre on campus. During the summer term of 2021, Imogen left her receptionist position at IPS to prepare for the next step in her career journey: a job on the assurance (accountancy) graduate scheme at Ernst & Young which she began in September 2021. Her proudest achievement since leaving IPS was to be the recipient of two prizes at the University of Exeter along with two

dean commendations. She was awarded the Clair Nunn Award for the Best Final Student with the college of Life and Environmental Sciences (Biosciences, Geography, Psychology and Natural Sciences) and the Biochemistry Prize for the best Biochemistry student. Furthermore, she was delighted to be offered her recent job on the EY and KPMG Graduate Schemes during this difficult economic period. About these great achievements she said, ‘I felt like all my hard work was recognized and it showed that I had really pushed myself’. She noted that her time at IPS prepared her for such achievements by encouraging her to immerse herself in new challenges, and ‘just say yes’ to opportunities which allow developing network and skills. Beyond these practical skills, Imogen is grateful for the connections she has retained from IPS who taught her the importance of supportive networks. Photo top left: IPS Singers Tour to New York (Imogen is on the right). Photo right: Blue and White Ball (Imogen is on the far right). Bottom left: IPS classmate’s birthday party (Imogen is in the centre).

Imogen McCurley 2010–2017

Imogen Mccurley attended IPS from 2010–2017, and returned to work as a receptionist from autumn 2020 – spring 2021. Whilst a pupil, she enjoyed involvement in numerous societies: IPS singers, Schola Cantorum, the orchestra, and a few ensembles. Her fondest memories include the school trips she attended for these societies which fostered closer relationships to her peers. She wistfully recalled her many hours spent in the sixth form common room, in the top floor of Main House to complete revision and prep work. However, she caveated, it was also a source of a few comedic moments when ‘burnt toast’ in the common room forced the entire school to evacuate owing to a triggered fire alarm.

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