The Wall_Spring 2023_Issue 9

people aware internationally of the great work that this person has done.

On the contrary, we must be aware that none of this cheap.To make matters worse, royals do not even spend their own money to achieve this; they are using that of the hard-working tax payers. Consider if all the fancy, costly events that they splash our cash on, is really worth it. Is the stability they provide or the international symbol they represent worth the millions that gets spent? Or to be more precise the money of your parents, and grandparents, or uncles and aunts. Soon to be you. Without the royal family, we could all be saving a useful amount of money, something that would be particularly helpful in the current economic climate that we find ourselves in.This was recently brought to light and enraged many after hearing the large sums of money spent on Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.The idea that all taxpayers contribute to the Monarch’s funeral and all their tea parties, banquets and weddings they hold over the years is becoming an old-fashioned idea that is increasingly harder to defend as they seem to be spending more each year.Why should we, as independent individuals be forced to contribute our well-earned money to PrinceWilliam’s trip to the Caribbean, or Kate’s dresses. Not to mention the: hats, shoes, jewellery, private jets, boats, and horses. It all adds up. In 2021 alone they received over £100 million.A sum that most of us would never dream of possessing or spending, more strikingly in the space of twelve months. In this way the Crown conveys the very ideals opposite to equality.The very concept of these elitest figures taking our money to spend on things they do not require, while people suffer in the depth of absolute deprivation, abolishes the basics of a fair society. Moreover, the overwhelming census that the Sovereign conveys an idea of superiority, in which we and those economically below us are inferior is a horrifying concept.The developing

Artwork: Alexa Gedeon, S8

republican movement that focuses on the monarchy’s abolition, is being held by many.The monarchy not only conveys ideas of large social divides but is also deemed to exploit those from indigenous backgrounds. Earlier this year, in Australia a senator described the late Queen Elizabeth II as a ‘coloniser’ due to the countries’ relations in the past.This view is shared by many, due to the British Empire and its colonies in Europe, Asia,Africa, North America, South America and Australia.Therefore, the United Kingdom’s monarchy can be

thought to represent the glorification of colonialism.

This is a history that the UK wishes to forget. Or learn from. Or even be erased. So that such concepts never tarnish this country’s reputation again.The aim is now to progress so exponentially that we are considered a diverse country, inviting to those of all races and backgrounds. However, the question remains; is it possible to create an equal, unified society while the monarchy still exists?


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