Ibstock Festival_Activities Week 2023


Introducing Activities Week 2023

This year, Ibstock’s Activities Week brings together an exciting programme of talks, trips, workshops, sports activities, and performances, both on and off site. It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the exam period being over, have fun with friends and try something new. From paintballing to pottery, there’s something for everyone. For our Upper Sixth leavers and alumni there is also the annual Stocks BBQ on Saturday 1 July. A relaxed afternoon of music and games in The Orchard, it is always a joyous event and an opportunity to connect with our wonderful alumni community.

Monday 26 June..................................3-5 Acting through Song Masterclass Car Maintenance Card Game Strategy Paintballing Musical Theatre Liederabend School of Art: Private View Tuesday 27 June.................................. 6-8 Uber Boat along the Thames and Climb the O2 Climbing Extraordinarily Good Coffee PotteryWorkshop Day 1: Spinning Wednesday 28 June.......................... 9-10

Thursday 29 June..............................11-12 Imaginary (Lower Senior Production) Life Drawing Sailing Car Maintenance 2 Wines of South Africa2 Friday 30 June................................... 13-14 Sausage Making Padel PotteryWorkshop Day 2: Glazing Imaginary (Lower Senior Production) Saturday 1 July........................................ 15 Stocks’ BBQ

How It Works

Ibstock Cricket Day Curry on a Budget Taking the Perfect Penalty Magic the Gathering Vegan Milk

Follow the link to the sign-up form to to select your chosen activities.

Read through the guide.

Sign up to as many as you’d like!



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