Middle School Curriculum 2024-2026
General Courses As well as embarking upon a programme of study leading to I/GCSE qualifications, pupils also take part in activities within the curriculumwhich support their development as individual learners and their progression to being happy and healthy adults. Foundations The Foundations programme, delivered through weekly sessions, is designed to equip pupils with a range of academic and broad skills which prepare them for life in the Sixth Form and beyond. It covers topics relating to Personal, Social, Health and Economic education and the development of excellent study skills, through a range of in-class activities and presentations by visiting speakers. Higher Project Qualification (HPQ) Offered by AQA and equivalent to one half of a GCSE, this qualification promotes independent research and allows pupils to pursue a project based upon a topic of their choice. The project, which can be outside of the scope of the rest of their studies, culminates in pupils producing a written report or, alternatively, an artefact or a production (e.g. a podcast), as well as delivering a presentation to an audience. Before pupils embark upon their studies, there will be several discussion sessions devoted to issues in society and current affairs to stimulate thinking and debate. Alongside, research skills - such as using academic databases and citing sources - will be taught. The HPQ is an excellent opportunity for pupils to demonstrate intellectual imagination, broaden their worldview, and manage the demands of a long-term project. For pupils who do not wish to pursue the HPQ to completion, Ibstock offers the IPQ. Pupils will still complete all aspects of research and presentation, as for the HPQ, but will not submit a production log. The IPQ is assessed internally and pupils initially work on their project qualifications in mixed groups. Games All pupils in S10 and S11 will take part in a weekly Games afternoon to support and foster a positive attitude towards health and fitness which extends into adult life. A variety of options are on offer, depending on the season. These will encompass competitive sport and fixtures, as well as a range of activities which promote personal fitness and enjoyment. There is something for everyone. The course actively promotes the development of research and oracy skills through study for a project qualification:
Futures Education Some Futures sessions are delivered through the Foundations programme, and there are several other initiatives supporting pupils’ emerging ideas: • In S10, all pupils are invited to participate in Morrisby Careers Profiling. Those who elect to do so benefit from a personal debriefing session conducted by their Head of House. • In S11, all pupils attend the annual Careers Fair and have an opportunity to meet and talk with representatives from a wide range of different fields. • Pupils in S10 and S11 are invited to periodic lunchtime and after-school sessions devoted to a range of potential careers. • All pupils in S10 and S11 can avail themselves of a careers interviewwith Mr Robinson, Head of Careers. Here they can discuss and receive information on courses, placements, competitions and other initiatives which can help them to decide upon their continuing pathway. • In the Autumn Terms of S10 and S11, there is a presentation introducing the application processes for non UK and highly competitive universities, such as Oxbridge, the US, and for courses such as Medicine. • In the Autumn Term of S11, pupils who are interested in applying for Medicine are encouraged to take part in the Medic Day, getting a taste of the application process and learning about making a competitive application. • In the Autumn Term of S11, pupils who are interested in applying to universities in the US are encouraged to attend the US College Day held in Central London, where they can speak to Admissions Officers and find out more about institution-specific application processes. Our Futures programme also looks ahead to university applications through a series of events:
Library Pupils enjoy state-of-the-art facilities and comfortable surroundings in the New School Library. Through their research projects and in their general studies, the Library enables pupils to develop skills in:
• Locating and selecting appropriate resources in both print and electronic formats • Evaluating the relevance, accuracy and reliability of these resources • Synthesising information into their own expression of ideas
Pupils can draw on broad-ranging journal subscriptions in print and online formats, as well as academic libraries, which support curricular topics and current event awareness, as well as an extensive and regularly-updated non-fiction collection. Curriculum-related video content is also managed by the Librarian and is available through the ‘Planet eStream’ online video library, accessible from computers throughout the School and from home. We seek to foster a passion for reading for pleasure, and our Librarian, in concert with both teachers and tutors, monitors our pupils’ reading habits with this purpose in mind. A series of events and initiatives is designed to raise the profile of reading across the community. The fiction section is stocked with sought after novels, featuring the latest in contemporary writing and a wide range of challenging and enthralling classics. Recommendations from pupils are always welcome, and a vibrant Reading Club, run jointly by the Library and the English Faculty, takes part in competitions and discussions.
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